Friday, November 27, 2009

Your Home Smoke Detector May Not Be Enough

You diligently change the batteries in your home's fire alarms every six months with daylight savings. Having forewarning of a fire at the earliest moment possible is critical to you and your family's safety. However, if you are a heavy sleeper or have hearing difficulty, you may not hear a fire alarm within seconds of it sounding. Frightening as this may be, it is the unfortunate reality for many people. The folks at Lifetone Technology have fulfilled a very critical need for added peace of mind with their Lifetone HL Bedside Fire Alarm and Clock.

The Lifetone HL Bedside Fire Alarm and Clock is meant to be used in conjunction with your home's conventional smoke alarm. If you have a loved one who suffers from hearing loss, you are aware of how certain sounds – even people's voices – can be discerned more clearly than others. People with hearing loss often have difficulty hearing sounds above 2000 Hz. Conventional smoke alarms emit a high pitched sound at 3000 Hz – well above a detectable level for those with hearing loss.

Lifetone's patented sensor can "hear" the T-3 pattern from a smoke alarm and alert you of a fire. A T-3 – or temporal three alarm pattern – is the mandated standard for all smoke alarms manufactured since 1999. If you don't know the age of your smoke alarm, don't worry. After performing a quick test using your Lifetone HL Bedside Fire Alarm and Clock, you can determine if your smoke alarm falls within the current safety standards. If it does not, it is strongly recommended that you replace your smoke alarm with a newer model.

Once your Lifetone HL Bedside Fire Alarm and Clock picks up the T-3 pattern alarm from your smoke detector, it emits a low 520 Hz square-wave sound alarm. In addition, the word "FIRE" flashes on the lit display of the Lifetone HL. Don't forget the Lifetone HL isn't just a life-saving invention; it is also an alarm clock and bed shaker. The bed shaker device can be placed in a pillow case or under a mattress. When your smoke detector sounds, the shaker feature is activated and vibrates to help wake you. As the first UL listed low frequency fire alarm and bed shaker, the Lifetone HL Bedside Fire Alarm and Clock is a practical choice for anyone concerned with fire safety in the home.

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